Apaprently Social Media Sites where abuzz with a supposed naked picture of reality star and Kanye West's girlfriend Kim Kardashain.
Funny enough, Kanye has been accused of tweeting the picture himself.
Warning!! Pls if ya eyes can not 'see' bad bad things, skip to the next post...Lool!!!
See the full naked picture after the jump.
Apparently this isn't Kim K but a porn star named Amia Miley .
The porn star tweeted this......
"Apparently a naked photo of me eating is going viral... as Kim Kardashian.... Im confused."
"im not going 2 argue about whether that pic is me or not.. want proof? look at the back dimple piercings. kim k doesn't have those."
She followed up by saying: "oh, and my right wrist piercing shows in the pic too... the end."