Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Big Booty Alert!! Meet Vanity Wonder, The Model Who Spent $15,000 on Butt Shots

  Vanity Wonder is an American model who has reportedly undergone some procedures to increase the size of her butt.

Vanity has reportedly spent over $15,000 on the butt augumentation procedures alone. According to her, she may have been injected with Soybean Oil during the first two procedures ('may', because according to her, she isn't sure).
During subsequent procedures she was injected with Silicon.

The 'model' is out with a book where she talks about the dangers of 'Butt Shots' (that is what the procedure of injecting your butt with silicon is called).

 Dayum!! You can put a tray on that Butt..... it would balance wellaaa 'no shaking'....Lool!!
Seriously sha!... isn't this procedure harmful?

Watch a video of Vanity talking about her big butt after the jump