Tuesday, February 7, 2012

US Arraigns Nigerian Nurse For Fondling A Patient

A former Wishard nursing assistant accused of fondling a patient and videotaping it appeared in an Indianapolis court on Tuesday. The judge appointed a public defender and entered a “not guilty” plea on his behalf. But police said the evidence against Folajuwani Ajayi pointed to guilt. His immigration status, though,

more after the jump

 could help him avoid jail term.
Ajayi is scheduled to face trial for one felony and two misdemeanor charges on April 2.
But court documents indicated while working at Wishard Memorial Hospital, the certified nursing assistant fondled an unconscious inmate being treated in the hospital’s detention area and videotaped it.

According to the probable cause affidavit, Ajayi’s cell phone video showed “a black male remove the clothing material around the female patient” and fondled her genital area.

Police said a fumbling Ajayi accidentally video-taped his Wishard-issued ID card that hung around his neck. The court document said the video showed Ajayi’s name and the title care tech.“It’s always disturbing when someone in a position of trust violates that trust,” said Eric Schmadeke, Marion County deputy prosecutor.
Ajayi holds resident alien status. Police and prosecutors have alerted Immigration and Customs Enforcement leaders.

But Schmadeke said investigation was only beginning.
There were 40,000 pictures and 17 videos on Ajayi’s cell phone. Investigators are trying to identify the women in every image, find them and interview them. If and when they do, Ajayi could face many more charges.