Monday, February 13, 2012

Kenny Saint Brown On How Whitney Houston Inspired Her ........ "I became Mrs Brown nd I too lost my Fame nd Fortune but I got a TURNAROUND cos I conquered my Demons"

Nigerian musician Kenny Saint Brown took to twitter and shared her thoughts on the death of R 'n' B legend Whitney Houston............

Irreplacable Whitney Houston. Soulful n graceful. She inspired me 2 tango wiv a hiphop r/b singer. She inspired me to become Mrs Brown. Hmmn
Whitney became Mrs Brown nd lost her FAME n FORTUNE as she had prophesied
I became Mrs Brown nd I too lost my Fame nd Fortune but I got a TURNAROUND cos I conquered my Demons. I practised the WORD instead of DRUGs
I looked forward 2

more after the jump

 meeting my CO-Mrs Brown but......will never happen here on earth. Perharps she has gone to meet Jesus(d WORD) b4 me??
I luv u my Soul-Sis. Tears feel my eyes. And I wonder how n my exit will be. But it won't be soon cos I've got pipo to inspire as u did sis
Adiue Whitney Houston. We will tell God that u helped so many of us sisters to find our voices. RIP

She however apologised on twitter when she was criticised by some fans.