Saturday, November 12, 2011

SM’s Just Delivered Jeans BTS


This is the Behind-the-scenes shoot that makes you wish you were there!

If you may remember, SM Department store had a Just Delivered Jeans promo a few months back. You just had to surrender your old pair of jeans and you instantly get 25% markdown on your new pants!

I know what you’re thinking! Don’t get too envious of me because I wasn’t there as well! LOL! These pics are from the then-newbie intern Vina who I got to know  in one of the shoots of SM.

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Hideo in front of the makeup station. Does he need makeup, really?


Vina shares that this was her 1st ever shoot! OMG What a great first shoot it was!!! Lucky girl!


The amazing Bobby Carlos doing his magic with Duane.

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Cutie Jaime working Drew’s ‘do. Hmmm… Drew wasn’t there at the SM fashion show, I never knew why.


Ms. Ayen gets what she wants. Beyond that bossy look is a real approachable and friendly lady! Don’t be deceived.


Duane being fixed by the SM Team.


Could you quit looking so cute?! :)


If I’m not mistaken, this guy on the left is Abs Abdelkader


Kulit looks like he’s thinking deep. What are you thinking of, Hideo?


Cutie Samir!!!


Abdel looking fierce!


Hideo werking it!

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A glimpse at the shots on the computer…

After the shoot, the team relaxes and takes pictures of themselves!



That’s Vina with Samir. She’s looking chic! 


Vina with Duane. Boyfriend? LOL!


A lucky girl with Abdel. I die!!!


Vina with Hideo. I swear I’ve envied her because of this picture! She even made it her profile picture on Facebook! Waaa!!! Good thing I already have a picture like this with Hideo too. Teehee! ;)


Oh my. I just can’t imagine myself if I were there. Abdel’s tan and body is hard not to notice, Samir’s fresh face is mesmerizing, Hideo’s pose shows why he’s the front guy, Duane looks dapper, and Drew is looking his best!

I just love SM Men’s Wear and SM Boys Teen’s Wear!

photos by Vina

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