Monday, November 7, 2011

1st Year of Lloydy Gaga: Amazing!


If I were to give a one-word description of my 1st year of blogging, it’s ‘Amazing’!


It really is amazing. I did not expect that great things would happen to the blog.


Let me tell you a bit about how I started the blog, my blogging struggles, the changes, and what my plans are for the future.


First of all, I wanted to create my own blog because of an inspiration- to feature beautiful Pinoy men so as to promote them internationally. It was sort of like “Made in Brazil” blog, only localized. I know, I failed to stick with that idea. I just found it hard to get support from the local male models/celebs. So I thought, I’d just post the beautiful men who are working in the Philippines. So that’s what I’ve been doing til now. I post mostly about the guys who are in the Philippines.


Why the name “Lloydy Gaga”?

Simply because it sounds like ‘Lady Gaga’. :)

I wanted a name for the blog that is catchy and easy-to-remember.


If you’d go back to my 1st ever post, you’ll notice that I didn’t do much introduction. I really intended to do that because I am a person who overthinks. I didn’t want to think too much about what my intro would be like so I just blogged right then and there. Just thinking about the blog name took me about two weeks!


I was working back then when I started the blog. I didn’t and still don’t have an internet connection up to now. What I’d do before was just rent a computer at a computer shop, surf the internet and blog. I didn’t have my own laptop then. I guess I’m just an internet addict because I spend too much time online. I usually go online for 3 hours per day. The least time I go online is 1 and a half hour and the maximum would be 5 hours. I made it a point to save up for my own laptop which really helped on my blogging. So now, even though I still don’t have an internet connection (Mahal eh!), I still find ways to blog. Hello wifi! Thanks to the school, Mcdo and SM’s wifi. Thanks to my resourcefulness!


The first few months of blogging was like a struggle for me. It was just like I’m writing for myself. I enjoy it though. I’m still enjoying my blog because I post everything I like on it.


The look of the blog is important to me. I am also a fan of reading blogs so I know the importance of the beauty of the blog. I do my own headers, sidebar pictures, and I design the blog.


Here are some of the old headers that I’ve done:


The headers displayed the month’s sexiest…


I was a new blogger and I had mistakes. I am trying to learn and correct my imperfections along the way.


Just last August, I was mugged. Three of my phones, a watch and digicam were stolen. It was a traumatic incident for me but good thing that I’ve already moved on. I just thought that hopefully, good karma will come my way.


And it did! A week after the incident, I was contacted by a large company to cover their BTS shoot for the Fashion week campaign. From then on, my wish to meet my fave models were already granted! I even found new friends along the way.


A week before the blog’s 1st year anniversary, I wished that the blog page could reach up to 500 likes. It was a joke on my part. I said to myself, “I know that it can’t happen, but who knows?”. I had 463 likes then. I thought, even if I don’t reach 500 likes, I am still grateful for getting 463 likes knowing that I haven’t ever done any promos on the blog. So after I wished for 500 likes, a day or two passed by and it was already more than 500 likes! My dearest reader, Pambee, made a great effort to make my wish come true. It’s really amazing.


I’ve already met my favorite models, Azkal players, Cosmo hunks, and gained friends through my blog. I know that it isn’t much, but for me, it’s already more than what I’ve asked for.

I just wonder what the 2nd year has in store for me and for us?


Hopefully, I’d learn how to get sponsors for those promos. If only I could give out freebies on my own, I could have given them out decades ago!


I am not sure whether I‘d still continue with attending events and stuff because it’s costing me too much. Hahaha! Why go to events when you can comfortably blog about it the next day and grab pictures from the photographers, right? I’ll just make sure to put credits on them. ;) But definitely, if I receive invitations (eg. Fashion week invites, Cosmo Bash Tix, or other invites I cant say no to), I would still consider it.


Right now my to-do-list includes:

-the Philippine Rugby Team

-more models!

-Pinoy models (any suggestions? I can’t think of any good Pinoy models now)

-and an exciting contest! (I’m still working on the guidelines… wink! wink!)


I probably will still continue blogging within the next four or five years. After that, I am planning to go abroad to the US. (Hopefully!) I am dreaming that I could still blog while I am there and do Lloydy Gaga stuff there! Sigh. But that’s just a dream.


If you do have some comments or suggestions about the blog, please feel free to send me those either thru here or thru my Facebook account.


Cheers to the 2nd year of Lloydy Gaga blog!


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