Friday, May 6, 2011

Nigerian Student Wins Award In Economics Competition In U.K

Nigerian-born Anu Omotunde-Young, an economics student at the Lancaster University Management School has won second place in The Economics Network Student Challenge 2011 , a national competition for economics students in the U.K. In
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this year's competition, students were asked to send in creative entries on the topic "Why Study Economics @ University?" Anu who is in the second year of her BSc Business Economics degree, wrote a poem about Nigeria followed by a creative analytical writing. In addition to her academic studies, Anu is currently editor for Lancaster's Economic Society Journal and volunteers through LUSU Involve on the Schools Partnership Programme, in which she tutors Year-3 and Year-6 children in English and Maths at a local primary school. She has completed internships at the British House of Commons and the Nigerian Government on World Bank and United Nations Development Assistance programmes. Ultimately she sees herself as an aspiring economist – perhaps a chief advisor and specialist on economic growth and development in Africa. I read the poem and analysis and it was indeed an interesting and insightful piece. To read Anu's competition entry, click here.

Source: LUMS Newsletter, Strategic chic