Gaga was on the David Letterman show to promote her new album Born this Way, and Dave was puzzled by her outfit.
What are you wearing? What aren’t your wearing?” he asked. I mean it’s great; don’t get me wrong.”
“I only liked the jacket,” Gaga replied. “So I decided that’s all I would wear.”
But that doesn’t mean Gaga didn’t accessorize. She also wore a black scarf in her hair, a black Zorro mask and knee-high studded black boots.
“You and I are very different in that regard,” said Dave. “I’ve never thought, ‘I’m just going to wear my underpants.
Dave was in the process of a reality check on Lady Gaga rumors
He totally refused to believe she bit off a Barbie head during a concert. Gaga got fed up with his questions, ripped his notes, shoved the paper in her mouth and started chewing.
David was caught completely by surprise. “What did you just do?” he said.
Watch the video after the jump