Screen siren and fashion icon Elizabeth Taylor is dead.The actress who was aged 79 died in the early hours of Wednesday as a result congestive heart failure."She was surrounded by her children – Michael Wilding, Christopher Wilding, Liza Todd and Maria Burton," Taylor's publicist, Sally Morrison, said in a statement. In addition to her children, Taylor is survived by 10 grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
The actress who rarely granted interviews granted Harper's Bazaar what may have been her last magazine interview in Feburary this year ( afew days to her 79th birthday).
A stunning beauty with mesmerizing violet eyes and a double set of eyelashes, Taylor was catapulted to superstardom as a child, though she lived larger than life both on screen and off even long after she had retired from movies and became a perfume mogul.
The beauty was not only known for her string of movie roles and generous charitable contributions: Her storied personal life, which included eight marriages and seven husbands, added to Taylor’s status as a true Hollywood legend.
Her other husbands (before Burton) were hotel heir Conrad "Nicky" Hilton, actor
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Michael Wilding, producer Michael Todd, singer Eddie Fisher and (after Burton) U.S. Senator John Warner and construction worker Larry Fortensky.
In lieu of flowers, the family asks that contributions be made to the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation. Details of a memorial service will be announced at a later date.
For the past several years she had suffered ill health, though to the very end she was a tireless advocate for AIDS research.
In 1993, the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, in recognition of her charity work, presented Taylor with its Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award.
Born in Hampstead, England, the second child of Francis Taylor, an American art gallery owner working abroad, and his wife Sara Sothern, who was a former actress, Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor moved with her family to Los Angeles before the start of World War II.