Swedish King, King Carl Gustaf better known as the guy handing out the Nobel Peace Prize is involved in a scandal of great magnitude.In a new biography of the King, secrets of his wild partying ways and his affair with a Nigerian entertainer are revealed
More story and pictures of the Nigerian Entertainer after the jump
Camilla Henemark
The book, The Reluctant Monarch, sold out its entire 20,000 initial print in Swedish bookshops yesterday, as the country was shaken by the startling details amassed by its three investigative authors about the secret life their King has apparently been leading.
Camilla Henemark
The book revealed how the monarch spent a fortune on sex parties and strip clubs.At one Stockholm club elaborate dinners were followed by liaisons in a communal whirlpool with scantily clad women, some of them, it seems, aspiring models.Sometimes, according to the book, the girls would ‘throw off their clothes and sit in the men’s laps’.
Queen Silvia, King Carl Gustaf XVI
Several women interviewed for the book claim they had sex with the King. Indeed, after one big dinner celebrating a successful elk hunt, he is said to have enjoyed sex with two women at the same time.
At the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta , where the King of Sweden was inevitably a VIP guest, he is said to have spent $10,000 (£7,000) in the Gold Club nightclub, including two hours in a room alone with one of the strippers.
In some instances, Sapo agents have been used to search the homes of women in order to confiscate pictures and negatives taken at the King’s private parties.
‘If the rolls of film and pictures aren’t turned over, some unpleasant things will happen,’ the book startlingly claims.
The book also claims that the king was in an alleged lengthy affair with Camilla Henemark, the beautiful Swedish singer and model whose father was Nigerian and mother Swedish.
Her response to the revelations yesterday was not to deny them but merely to say her lawyer had advised her ‘not to give any comments’.
The book claims that Queen Silvia was aware of this affair but was helpless as the King ‘had fallen in love like a teenager and, on one occasion, the King and Henemark were talking about leaving for a distant island, like Marlon Brando in Tetiaroa in French Polynesia, where they planned to live on coconuts’.
When asked yesterday, after emerging from the woods where he and his friends were shooting elk for sport, the King declined to comment on the scandal, saying only:
‘I have spoken with my family and the Queen and we choose to turn the page … and move forward because, as I understand, these are things that happened a long time ago,’ he said.