Brooklyn apartment with multiple stab wounds early Tuesday morning, the NYPD confirms. Neighbors heard Brea yelling what they believe to be biblical passages and repeating the word
"repent" during the strife. Michael's Haitian mother, Yannick Brea, 55, was found dead with multiple stab wounds. Police Commissioner Ray Kelly told NY1 that Brea was holding a Bible.
"I would say he was a down-to-earth, cool, hard working person," a neighbor told NY1. "I couldn't see this coming at all."
Police say the scene was "extremely bloody," according to TMZ . The same site claims Brea decapitated his mother and that Police used a Taser to subdue Brea when they arrived at the scene around 2:20AM.
In an interview with Haitian film site BelFilm in 2009, Brea said: "I remember growing up and my mother was always feeding people who were less fortunate. My parents raised me to always share and to give charity in the name of God." The same site notes Brea owned a Subway restaurant in Brooklyn with his brother.
Neighbors described the mother and son as "quiet people" to WPIX . "They also said Brea did not give any outward indication of Mental Illness, and it is unknown what made the actor snap. He apparently had an affinity for martial arts," the site writes.
"I heard a shriek, someone yelling, and after that probably like a, 'Help me.' And probably about five minutes after that the sound went away," another neighbor told NY1.
The investigation is ongoing. Charges are pending.
ABC, the network on which Ugly Betty appeared, had no comment.
Why on earth will someone,no matter the reason kill his mother? God please help us.