Everyone from Jay-Z to Lady Gaga have been accused of being members of the Illuminati secret society, thought to be some mysterious group of power players who pull strings to help launch careers.
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But Jennifer Hudson ain’t having it. The Grammy winner is blasting rumors that she is part of the cult.
“I’m so glad someone brought this Illuminati mess up because only a child of God would address it,” the 29-year-old singer told fans during her Ustream session. “That is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard in my life. And it’s offensive because basically what? The people that are here today don’t deserve to be where they are? What, we didn’t work for it? So I find—and I hate to go there—but I find it’s those that can’t make it that would probably join Illuminati, or whoever that is, to get somewhere.”
And while it’s easy to buy into the Illuminati’s existence, J-Hud explained that anyone who believes the Illuminati myth is being fooled. “Don’t listen to that type of stuff, don’t follow that stuff because those people are only luring you in to become a part of some mess like that, so know that you’re only falling victim,” she warned. “That’s their way of gaining [followers]. I’d advise you to stay away from it. Those who are reading it are falling into it. It could not be more untrue.”
Only a child of God would address it? Well artist like Jay Z and Kanye West have been playing hide and seek over this controversy and i am sure by Jay Huds' God's definition they are not children of God.... Just saying