Sam Concepcion and Francis Salvador. Separated at birth?
I’ve already featured Candy Cutie
Francis Salvador on the blog (click
here for that post) before and this will be the first time that I’ll be writing about Sam Concepcion.
Sam is no longer a stranger to most Filipinos. He is an actor, singer, dancer, host and model. We all know him since he won the Big division of Little Big Star season 1, where he defeated now internationally famous star Charice Pempengco.

Francis, on the other hand, is a student from Bulacan. He became one of the Cosmo Bachelors of 2010 and Candy cuties of 2011. He has done print ads for Globe and Canon.

I’ve recently heard Sam’s new song (couldn’t remember the title though) and his voice has already matured!
It’s more manly now compared to his boyish voice before.
So I wonder, can Francis sing as well?
Sam and Francis’ features are almost the same. Their eyes, nose, lips, and facial structure are really alike! Francis’ skin tone is a bit darker which gives him the more masculine look.
But yeah, when it comes to the body, we’ll have to give it to Francis. He’s more ripped! But I think that Sam’s gonna catch up soon.

So, who do you like more, Sam or Francis?
Sam and Francis at the recently concluded Candy fair.
photos from Sam’s Facebook page and Francis’ pagesPlease Follow me on
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